Q418-1: According to Exodus 20 verse 8, How was the Sabbath day to be observed?
C: By keeping it holy and resting on that day.
Q123-2: According to Exodus 7 verse 4, Why would God harden Pharaoh's heart?
B: So He could bring them out by great judgements.
Q121-3: According to Exodus 7 verse 3, Was Pharaoh going to let them go when they asked him the first time?
B: No
Q145-4: According to Exodus 8 verse 11, Where would the frogs remain?
C: In the river only
Q222-5: According to Exodus 11 verse 7, What noise would come from the Israelites and why?
A: A great cry would come from the Israelites because the firstborn of Egypt would die.
Q101-6: According to Exodus 5 verse 2, Who did Pharaoh not know and what would he not do?
Q208-7: According to Exodus 10 verse 23, What about the Israelites?
B: The Israelites had light in their dwellings.
Q187-8: According to Exodus 9 verse 29, Where would Moses pray?
C: To the Lord in the skies
Q331-9: According to Exodus 16 verse 16, How were the Israelites instructed to gather the manna?
B: Only gather what they needed for each day, except before the Sabbath
Q354-10: According to Exodus 16 verse 36, How much was an omer?
B: About 2.2 liters
Q382-11: According to Exodus 18 verse 9, What was Jethro’s reaction?
A: He was glad and rejoiced over all the good that the Lord had done for Israel.
Q333-12: According to Exodus 16 verse 1, When did the Israelites arrive there?
D: In the fifteenth day of the second month after they departed from the land of Egypt
Q251-13: According to Exodus 12 verse 29, Who was killed in Egypt?
C: The firstborn of Egypt
Q159-14: According to Exodus 8 verse 22, Why was the land of Goshen set apart? Be specific. “that you may _____ that I am the ________ in the ________ of the land.”
C: know, LORD, midst
Q49-15: According to Exodus 3 verse 10, How was God going to rescue his people?
A: By sending Moses to get them.
Q115-16: According to Exodus 5 verse 15, To whom did the officers of the children of Israel appeal? Whom did they blame?
B: Pharaoh, your own people
Q340-17: According to Exodus 16 verse 10, Where was the glory of the Lord seen?
B: In the cloud
Q375-18: According to Exodus 18 verse 21, Who gives Moses advice to appoint leaders over the people to help judge and manage smaller matters?
A: Jethro
Q301-19: According to Exodus 14 verse 28, Who survived?
A: The Israelites
Q326-20: According to Exodus 16 verse 31, What food did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?
A: Quail and manna
Q318-21: According to Exodus 15 verse 20, Who was Miriam?
A: Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron.
Q64-22: According to Exodus 4 verse 2, What did Moses have in his hand?
B: Rod
Q243-23: According to Exodus 12 verse 16, What could be done on the assembly days?
B: No work was to be done except to prepare food.
Q57-24: According to Exodus 3 verse 20, What would God do to the Egyptians?
A: Strike Egypt with wonders.
Q196-25: According to Exodus 10 verse 7, What did Pharaoh’s officials say to Pharaoh?
D: Let the people go, that they may serve the Lord.
Q417-26: According to Exodus 20 verse 7, What could you not do with God’s name and why?
A: You must not misuse God's name because it is holy.
Q305-27: According to Exodus 15 verse 23, What was the name of the place where the Israelites grumbled about the bitter water?
B: Marah
Q277-28: According to Exodus 14 verse 21, What sea did God part for the Israelites to escape the Egyptians?
C: Red Sea
Q412-29: According to Exodus 20 verse 2, What had the Lord done for them?
D: Brought them out of Egypt
Q154-30: According to Exodus 8 verse 18, Where were the gnats?
A: On man and beast
Q271-31: According to Exodus 13 verse 13, How did the Israelites leave (go up) from Egypt?
C: They left with their firstborn animals being redeemed.
Q22-32: According to Exodus 2 verse 15, Where did Moses go to live?
C: The land of Midian
Q168-33: According to Exodus 9 verse 1, What name is given to God?
D: The Lord
Q38-34: According to Exodus 3 verse 1, What was another name for Reuel?
B: Jethro
Q50-35: According to Exodus 3 verse 12, What would happen when the Israelites came out of Egypt?
B: They would serve God on that mountain.
Q150-36: According to Exodus 8 verse 15, Why did Pharaoh harden his heart?
B: Because the frogs were gone
Q139-37: According to Exodus 8 verse 2, What does Moses say will plague Egypt this time?
C: frogs
Q24-38: According to Exodus 2 verse 16, How many daughters did the priest of Midian have?
B: Seven
Q274-39: According to Exodus 13 verse 19, What did Moses take from Egypt and why?
C: The bones of Joseph, to fulfill Joseph's request.
Q174-40: According to Exodus 9 verse 9, What would the soot become, what would it cause?
A: It would become dust that caused boils on man and beast.
Q392-41: According to Exodus 18 verse 21, What qualifications should the men selected to be judges have?
B: They should be able men who fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness.
Q192-42: According to Exodus 10 verse 2, What was Moses to tell his children and grandchildren?
D: About how God made miracles in Egypt
Q341-43: According to Exodus 16 verse 13, What came in the evening and covered the camp?
C: Quail
Q416-44: According to Exodus 20 verse 6, What kind of God was God? How did he prove it?
B: A jealous God who shows love to those who love Him and keeps His commandments.
Q385-45: According to Exodus 18 verse 12, Who ate with Jethro?
D: Moses and Aaron