Q37-1: According to Exodus 3 verse 1, What was the name of Moses’ father-in-law, the priest of Midian?
A: Jethro
Q186-2: According to Exodus 9 verse 28, What does Pharaoh promise?
B: He promises to let the Israelites go if the hail stops.
Q359-3: According to Exodus 17 verse 1, Where did the people camp and could find no water?
A: Rephidim
Q326-4: According to Exodus 16 verse 31, What food did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?
B: Quail and manna
Q338-5: According to Exodus 16 verse 4, What was God using the bread for?
C: To test the Israelites and see if they would follow His instructions
Q387-6: According to Exodus 18 verse 13, How long a day did Moses judge?
A: From morning till evening
Q33-7: According to Exodus 2 verse 23, What happened in Egypt while Moses started to live with Ruel?
B: The king of Egypt died.
Q231-8: According to Exodus 12 verse 6, When were the animals to be slaughtered?
D: At twilight on the fourteenth day of the month
Q322-9: According to Exodus 15 verse 23, Why couldn’t they drink the water at Marah?
A: Because it was bitter.
Q10-10: According to Exodus 2 verse 8, Whom did the girl get as a nurse?
B: The child's own mother
Q300-11: According to Exodus 14 verse 27, When did the sea return to its place?
A: When the morning appeared
Q424-12: According to Exodus 20 verse 23, Specifically what kind of gods were they forbidden to make?
C: gods of silver or gold
Q147-13: According to Exodus 8 verse 13, From what three places did the frogs die?
C: the houses, the courtyards, and the fields
Q422-14: According to Exodus 20 verse 19, Why did the people want Moses to speak to them?
A: They were afraid to speak to God themselves.
Q357-15: According to Exodus 17 verse 7, At Rephidim, what is the name of the place where Moses struck the rock to get water?
C: Meribah and Massah
Q125-16: According to Exodus 7 verse 5, Finish the quote: Be specific. “And the ________ shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch out my _______on Egypt and bring out the ________ of ________, from among them.”
B: Egyptians, hand, children, Israel
Q348-17: According to Exodus 16 verse 27, What happened to those who went to gather on the Sabbath?
C: They found no manna.
Q71-18: According to Exodus 4 verse 7, How was his hand restored?
B: He put it in his bosom
Q279-19: According to Exodus 14 verse 4, Who hardened Pharaoh’s heart to pursue the Israelites after they had left Egypt?
C: God
Q405-20: According to Exodus 19 verse 13, What would happen if they crossed the set limits? How?
A: They would be put to death.
Q247-21: According to Exodus 12 verse 22, What was to be used to put the blood on the door frame?
C: A bunch of hyssop
Q399-22: According to Exodus 19 verse 5, What would it take for the Israelites to be God's treasured possession, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation?
A: If they obey His voice and keep His covenant
Q323-23: According to Exodus 15 verse 25, How was the water to be made sweet?
D: By throwing a tree into it
Q98-24: According to Exodus 4 verse 31, Finish the quote. Be specific. “So the people ______ ; and when they heard that the Lord had _______ the children of Israel.....”
C: believed, visited
Q400-25: According to Exodus 19 verse 8, What was the people’s response to God through Moses?
B: All the people said, 'We will do everything the Lord has said.'
Q237-26: According to Exodus 12 verse 11, How were they to eat it?
C: In haste, with their belts fastened, sandals on their feet, and staff in hand.
Q157-27: According to Exodus 8 verse 21, What was the Lord going to send now?
D: Swarms of flies
Q251-28: According to Exodus 12 verse 29, Who was killed in Egypt?
D: The firstborn of Egypt
Q145-29: According to Exodus 8 verse 11, Where would the frogs remain?
A: In the river only
Q196-30: According to Exodus 10 verse 7, What did Pharaoh’s officials say to Pharaoh?
B: Let the people go, that they may serve the Lord.
Q128-31: According to Exodus 7 verse 11, Who was able to duplicate this?
D: The wise men and the sorcerers
Q259-32: According to Exodus 12 verse 40, How long were the Israelites in Egypt?
D: 430 years
Q206-33: According to Exodus 10 verse 22, How long did the darkness last?
B: three days
Q220-34: According to Exodus 11 verse 5, What did God send as the final plague on Egypt?
B: Death of the firstborn of the Egyptians
Q391-35: According to Exodus 18 verse 20, What was Jethro’s plan for judging?
D: To teach the people God's laws and to set up capable leaders to help judge the people.
Q65-36: According to Exodus 4 verse 3, What was Moses told to do with the staff? What happened?
A: Cast it on the ground. It became a serpent.
Q85-37: According to Exodus 4 verse 17, What was Moses supposed to take with him when he went back to Egypt?
A: His rod
Q191-38: According to Exodus 10 verse 1, Why was Pharaoh’s heart hardened?
B: God hardened Pharaoh's heart to show His power and perform His miracles in Egypt.
Q130-39: According to Exodus 7 verse 12, Did the sorcerers recover their rods?
A: No
Q421-40: According to Exodus 20 verse 17, What could you not covet of your neighbor’s?
C: house
Q66-41: According to Exodus 4 verse 3, What sign did God give Moses to demonstrate His power to the Israelites?
D: Staff turning into a snake
Q43-42: According to Exodus 3 verse 5, What did God tell Moses to do and why?
A: Take off his sandals. Ground was holy.
Q25-43: According to Exodus 2 verse 17, How did Moses help the daughters?
C: Chased away shepherds. Watered their flock.
Q173-44: According to Exodus 9 verse 8, What was Moses to throw into the air before Pharaoh?
C: Ashes
Q7-45: According to Exodus 2 verse 5, Who was sent for the basket?
D: Pharaoh's daughter's maid