Q414-1: According to Exodus 20 verse 4, What kind of idols could they not make?
Q288-2: According to Exodus 14 verse 11, What did they ask Moses?
Q319-3: According to Exodus 15 verse 21, What instrument did Miriam use? What did she do?
Q372-4: According to Exodus 17 verse 14, Where was this event to be written and why?
Q188-5: According to Exodus 9 verse 30, What did Moses know?
Q281-6: According to Exodus 14 verse 2, Where did the Lord tell Moses to camp?
Q200-7: According to Exodus 10 verse 13, What brought the locust?
Q103-8: According to Exodus 5 verse 4, What did Pharaoh say Moses and Aaron were doing?
Q298-9: According to Exodus 14 verse 25, What did he do to the chariots?
Q14-10: According to Exodus 2 verse 11, Finish this quote. Be specific. “....when Moses was ______, he went out to his _______ and looked at their _________.”
Q271-11: According to Exodus 13 verse 13, How did the Israelites leave (go up) from Egypt?
Q51-12: According to Exodus 3 verse 14, What name does God give Moses to tell who has sent him?
Q4-13: According to Exodus 2 verse 3, Where was the basket put?
Q256-14: According to Exodus 12 verse 35, What did the Israelites ask of the Egyptians?
Q214-15: According to Exodus 11 verse 1, What would Pharaoh do after one more plague?
Q407-16: According to Exodus 19 verse 15, Besides washing their clothes, how else were the people to prepare for the third day?
Q403-17: According to Exodus 19 verse 11, When and where was the Lord going to come?
Q232-18: According to Exodus 12 verse 7, Where was some of the blood to be put?
Q364-19: According to Exodus 17 verse 7, What did Moses name that place and why?
Q396-20: According to Exodus 19 verse 2, Where do the Israelites camp in the third month after leaving Egypt, where Moses ascends to meet God?
Q113-21: According to Exodus 5 verse 14, Finish the quote: be specific. “.....why have you not fufilled your ________, in making brick both ______ and ________?”
Q53-22: According to Exodus 3 verse 16, To whom was Moses to go?
Q339-23: According to Exodus 16 verse 8, What was the Lord giving the Israelites and when?
Q93-24: According to Exodus 4 verse 25, What did Zipporah do?
Q371-25: According to Exodus 17 verse 13, How long did the battle last? Who won?
Q162-26: According to Exodus 8 verse 27, What does Moses want to do instead?
Q264-27: According to Exodus 13 verse 9, What are the Israelites commanded to do every year as a sign on their hand and a symbol on their foreheads?
Q423-28: According to Exodus 20 verse 20, Why was God testing them?
Q89-29: According to Exodus 4 verse 21, What was God going to do to Pharaoh?
Q115-30: According to Exodus 5 verse 15, To whom did the officers of the children of Israel appeal? Whom did they blame?
Q392-31: According to Exodus 18 verse 21, What qualifications should the men selected to be judges have?
Q121-32: According to Exodus 7 verse 3, Was Pharaoh going to let them go when they asked him the first time?
Q148-33: According to Exodus 8 verse 14, Finish the quote. Be specific. “They gathered them together in _____, and the land ______.”
Q138-34: According to Exodus 7 verse 25, How long after the Nile turned to blood before Moses was sent again to Pharaoh?
Q272-35: According to Exodus 13 verse 17, Where did God not lead the Israelites on their exodus?
Q294-36: According to Exodus 14 verse 21, What did the Lord use to divide the sea?
Q77-37: According to Exodus 4 verse 13, What was Moses’ plea?
Q370-38: According to Exodus 17 verse 12, What happened when Moses' arms grew tired?
Q268-39: According to Exodus 13 verse 7, Where was yeast not to be seen?
Q80-40: According to Exodus 4 verse 14, What was Aaron already doing?
Q184-41: According to Exodus 9 verse 26, Where did it not hail?
Q287-42: According to Exodus 14 verse 10, How did the Israelites react when they saw the Egyptians?
Q29-43: According to Exodus 2 verse 19, What did the daughters call Moses?
Q254-44: According to Exodus 12 verse 33, Besides the Israelites, who and what left Egypt?
Q333-45: According to Exodus 16 verse 1, When did the Israelites arrive there?
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