Q152-1: According to Exodus 8 verse 16, What became lice?
C: The dust
Q280-2: According to Exodus 14 verse 28, After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and the waters returned, what happened to the pursuing Egyptian army?
A: They were drowned
Q29-3: According to Exodus 2 verse 19, What did the daughters call Moses?
C: an Egyptian
Q198-4: According to Exodus 10 verse 10, What does Pharaoh accuse Moses of?
C: Moses is accused of wanting the Israelites to go worship in the wilderness.
Q81-5: According to Exodus 4 verse 15, How was the speaking to be controlled?
B: Moses tells Aaron. Aaron tells others.
Q393-6: According to Exodus 18 verse 22, Who would judge difficult cases, simple cases?
A: The simple cases would be judged by the leaders, and the difficult cases would be brought to Moses.
Q51-7: According to Exodus 3 verse 14, What name does God give Moses to tell who has sent him?
Q41-8: According to Exodus 3 verse 2, What was strange about the fire?
C: It didn't burn up the bush.
Q3-9: According to Exodus 2 verse 3, Fill in the blanks. Be Specific. “But when she could no longer _____ him, she took an _____ of ________ for him, and _________ it with _______ and _______....”
A: hide, ark, bulrushes, daubed, asphalt, pitch.
Q275-10: According to Exodus 13 verse 20, Where did they camp after Succoth?
D: Etham
Q284-11: According to Exodus 14 verse 5, Why was Pharaoh and his officials upset that the Israelites were gone?
C: They realized that they had let the Israelites go and they were afraid of losing their workforce.
Q246-12: According to Exodus 12 verse 18, The seven days of unleavened bread was during what part of the month?
C: The fourteenth day of the month
Q201-13: According to Exodus 10 verse 15, How did they cover the ground?
B: The locusts covered the ground.
Q308-14: According to Exodus 15 verse 26, What did the Lord indicate He would not bring upon the Israelites if they listened carefully and did what was right?
A: The diseases of Egypt
Q28-15: According to Exodus 2 verse 18, What was the name of the priest of Midian, their father?
C: Reuel
Q57-16: According to Exodus 3 verse 20, What would God do to the Egyptians?
C: Strike Egypt with wonders.
Q256-17: According to Exodus 12 verse 35, What did the Israelites ask of the Egyptians?
C: The Israelites asked the Egyptians for gold and silver jewelry.
Q375-18: According to Exodus 18 verse 21, Who gives Moses advice to appoint leaders over the people to help judge and manage smaller matters?
C: Jethro
Q223-19: According to Exodus 11 verse 9, Why did Pharaoh harden his heart and refuse to listen to Moses?
B: The Lord had said that He would harden Pharaoh's heart.
Q174-20: According to Exodus 9 verse 9, What would the soot become, what would it cause?
B: It would become dust that caused boils on man and beast.
Q389-21: According to Exodus 18 verse 18, Why did Jethro think what Moses was doing was not good?
C: Because Moses was exhausting himself and the people by handling all their disputes alone.
Q282-22: According to Exodus 14 verse 3, Why did the Lord lead them in this route?
C: The Lord led them that way to avoid the Philistines.
Q416-23: According to Exodus 20 verse 6, What kind of God was God? How did he prove it?
B: A jealous God who shows love to those who love Him and keeps His commandments.
Q372-24: According to Exodus 17 verse 14, Where was this event to be written and why?
A: On a scroll, to be remembered and to make sure Joshua knows about it for future generations.
Q408-25: According to Exodus 19 verse 16, What happened on the third day?
A: There was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud on the mountain.
Q286-26: According to Exodus 14 verse 9, Who went with Pharaoh?
B: The Egyptian chariots and horsemen
Q1-27: According to Exodus 2 verse 2, How long did the Levite woman hide her son?
B: 3 months
Q119-28: According to Exodus 7 verse 1, How did God make Moses and Aaron as?
C: Moses as God to Pharaoh; Aaron as Moses' prophet.
Q89-29: According to Exodus 4 verse 21, What was God going to do to Pharaoh?
C: Harden his heart
Q211-30: According to Exodus 10 verse 26, What does Moses say must not be left behind?
C: Our livestock must go with us
Q156-31: According to Exodus 8 verse 20, Where does Moses confront Pharaoh again
C: By the water, early in the morning
Q274-32: According to Exodus 13 verse 19, What did Moses take from Egypt and why?
A: The bones of Joseph, to fulfill Joseph's request.
Q18-33: According to Exodus 2 verse 14, Finish this quote. Be specific. “Then he said, “Who made you a _____ and a _____ over us?”
A: prince, judge
Q136-34: According to Exodus 7 verse 22, How were the Egyptian magicians able to do this?
A: With their enchantments
Q9-35: According to Exodus 2 verse 7, What did the sister ask?
B: Shall I get a nurse for you?
Q233-36: According to Exodus 12 verse 7, What were the Israelites instructed to do with the blood of the lamb during the Passover?
A: Sprinkle it on their doorposts and lintels
Q186-37: According to Exodus 9 verse 28, What does Pharaoh promise?
B: He promises to let the Israelites go if the hail stops.
Q336-38: According to Exodus 16 verse 3, Why had Moses brought them to the desert?
B: To die of hunger and thirst
Q53-39: According to Exodus 3 verse 16, To whom was Moses to go?
C: The elders of Israel.
Q191-40: According to Exodus 10 verse 1, Why was Pharaoh’s heart hardened?
A: God hardened Pharaoh's heart to show His power and perform His miracles in Egypt.
Q344-41: According to Exodus 16 verse 18, Although some gathered much and some little, how much did each have?
A: Everyone had enough to eat.
Q34-42: According to Exodus 2 verse 23, Who cried and who heard?
C: Israelites, God
Q342-43: According to Exodus 16 verse 14, Describe the coming of the bread?
C: The bread came down from heaven like a fine flake, as frost on the ground.
Q161-44: According to Exodus 8 verse 26, What reason does Moses give for not doing as Pharaoh requested?
C: The Egyptians would stone them
Q411-45: According to Exodus 20 verse 1, What does God give Moses that includes the Ten Commandments?
C: The Tablets of Stone